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General Terms and Conditions For Residents

The Proprietors

The Proprietors and Staff of Abbeydale aim to provide residents with a safe, homely, comfortable and friendly environment, where they have the confidence to live with the maximum of independence. Abbeydale operates an equal opportunities policy.

The Staff

To enable Abbeydale to achieve this, staff will be appointed, supervised, trained and encouraged to achieve their maximum potential, so as to enable them to deliver the highest standards of care to the residents of the home.


Nominated Representative

Prior to entering the home, the Resident should appoint a person who will represent the Resident if, at any time during their residency, the Resident is unable or unwilling to represent himself/herself. This person will be known as the “Nominated Representative” and the Resident should ensure, where possible, that the proposed nominated representative consents to this appointment.


Where a Resident has arranged an enduring power of attorney or is the subject of power of attorney, the person(s) granted power of attorney will be assumed to be the Resident’s nominated representative, advocacy service information included in Service User guide.


In certain circumstances, either at the start of, or at some time during, residence, the Resident may not be in direct control of their own finances. In such circumstances Abbeydale requests that the acceptance form is signed by a person acting as guarantor, thereby accepting the responsibility for payment of fees.

The Fees

Residents, their families or agents are required to ensure that the fees due are paid on time and at the agreed rates usually by direct debit or standing order.

The payment of fees will provide for a high standard of care and accommodation.

The fee quoted is inclusive of: –

  •  Accommodation.

  • Meals, special dietary needs.

  • Basic toiletries

  • Routine residential care.

  • Laundering of personal items.

  • Routine cleaning and decoration of rooms.

  • The provision of staff on a 24hr basis.

  • Access to a telephone.

  • Non-standard items included in the fee as stated on the acceptance form.

The fee does not include: –

  • Dry cleaning.

  • Visitor’s meals.

  • Services of a visiting hairdresser, chiropodist or physiotherapist.

  • Outings and entertainment

  • Private taxi fares

  • Escort duties.

  • Personal purchases, e.g. newspapers, toiletries gifts etc.

       Charges for these will be invoiced in arrears.


The first invoice will be rendered as soon as possible after admission. It will cover the period from admission to the end of the first accounting period and is payable on presentation. Thereafter invoices will be issued at calendar monthly intervals, at the end of the preceding month, payable in advance, on the first day of each month.

Fees will continue to be due in accordance with this agreement until:-

  • The death of the resident

  • Either party giving written notice of four weeks of the intent to terminate the agreement.

Fees will also continue to be charged for six weeks following admission into hospital, (so as to retain the accommodation for the resident at Abbeydale) After the initial six week period the fee will be reduced to 90% of the agreed rate.


In the event of the resident leaving the home without giving the required notice, payment of fees in lieu of notice, at the agreed rate, will be required.


The Resident may terminate his/her residency at the home at any time by giving four weeks written notice to the home manager. Full fees are payable during this period.

All admissions are subject to a trial period of 4 weeks for either party.

The proprietor may terminate the Resident’s residency at the home for any reason by giving four weeks written notice to the Resident. The following whilst not exhaustive are indicative of when the Proprietor may decide to exercise the right to serve such notice:
Physical and mental incapacity of the Resident, such that is no longer possible for Abbeydale to provide a satisfactory level of care in the home, where a transfer to a more suitable home may be more appropriate. Under such circumstances notice will normally only be given after the Resident’s medical condition has been fully discussed with the resident, their nominated representative, their General Practitioner or other appropriate person.


Persistent unsociable behaviour on the part of the Resident such as to make his or her presence intolerable for other residents.

Serious breach of any of the terms and conditions of residence by the resident, including failure by the Resident or their nominated representative to promptly settle fees.

In the event of the resident’s death, fees at the agreed rate will be claimed against the residents’ estate to a maximum of two weeks following the date of death.


On entering the home the Resident will be allocated a bed and a room, which the Resident will occupy as a bare licensee only. This means that the Resident does not have the right to exclusive possession of any particular room or part of a room.

For the efficient running of the home, or as a result of a change in the Resident’s physical or mental condition, it may be necessary to request that the resident moves from one room to another and Abbeydale reserves the right to move the Resident at any time This would normally occur after prior discussions with the Resident and/or their nominated representative.

Personal Belongings

  • The Resident may bring into the home such items of furniture and equipment as may be first agreed with the proprietor. All such items must comply with current fire and health and safety regulations. Electrical heaters are not permitted for safety reasons. All other electrical items must be checked for safety.

  • The Resident’s personal effects are brought into the home at the Resident’s own risk. Abbeydale accepts no responsibility for the loss of or damage to such effects. The resident is strongly advised to arrange his or her own insurance for valuable items. All items of Resident’s personal clothing should be clearly marked or labelled on admission.

  • Every reasonable care is taken with Resident’s personal effects but Residents are requested not to keep sums of cash in excess of their immediate need, or valuable items (especially jewellery), in their room or on their person. A safe keeping facility is available for the deposit of Residents’ small valuable items or cash.

Smoking and Alcohol

Residents or their nominated representative are asked to discuss the Residents’ alcoholic drink requirements at the time of admission. For reasons of safety smoking is not permitted in the Home.

All residents are requested to comply with any health and safety rules as notified by the Home Manager from time to time.


Medical and Related Charges

A Resident may request attention, treatment, prescriptions drugs, medication and appliances/aids from a NHS registered practitioner under the provision of, and as available from, the NHS. This may include the services of a general medical practitioner, a dental surgeon, an ophthalmic optician, a podiatrist or an audiologist. No charges will be made by the home for arranging such services but the Resident will be responsible for the payment of any charges or contributions as required, from time to time, under the NHS.


If a Resident seeks attention, treatment, private prescription, drugs, medications or appliances/aids on a private basis, including complimentary therapies and preparations, the Resident will be responsible for the direct settlement of all charges incurred.


The Home is covered by Occupiers and Employers Liability insurances. A small general insurance provision is made for personal items, but this is limited. Specific items of value may need to be insured separately by the resident.


The Home operates an open complaints procedure, which may be used by residents, family or their agents.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Abbeydale accepts that all the information it holds regarding a resident’s state of health or personal affairs is held in confidence. No such information will be divulged to any third party without the expressed consent of the Resident or their nominated representative. The only exception to this will be in respect of medical information which would form the basis of a professional interchange between a carer and a qualified healthcare professional.

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